jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013


1) First start the computer
2) Then wait until PC show your desktop
3) Later open the browser
4) Write "https://www.pathofexile.com/" in the URL
5) Then sign up for free!
6) Type your name account, Email and password.
7) Now don't close that page
7) You need to go to your Email in another tab
8) Next open the mail that Path of exile page send to you
9) Click on the link in the mail
10) Your account is registered now!
11) Later on come back to the path of exile page and download the game
12) When the game ends, open the shortcut (usually in the desktop)
13) Then wait until the game is updated, don't close that, wait until this ends
14) When update ends, click in the launch buttom
15) You can play now!
16) Enter your email adress and the password you choose and go in.
17) Finally pick up your favourite character and press on play!
18) ENJOY!!!!!!!