lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

While-watching tasks

Denholm: Hope this doesn't (1) embarass you Jen, but I find the best thing to do with a new employee is to size them up with a long hard stare. So!
Jen: So.
Denholm: First day.
Jen: Yes.
Denholm: Scary.
Jen: Yes.
Denholm: Don't be scared.
Jen: Well I'm not really scared.
Denholm: You (2) should be.
Jen: Well I am a little bit scared.
Denholm: Well don't be.
Jen: Make up your (3) mind
Denholm: (laughs).
Jen: (laughs).
Denholm: So, here you are.
Jen: Yes, really looking forward to getting to grips with...
Denholm: I'm gonna put you in I.T. because you said on your (4) CV you have a lot of experience with computers.
Jen: I did say that on my CV, yes. I have a lot of experience with the whole (5) computer  thing you know, emails, sending emails, receiving emails, (6) deleting emails, I could go on.
Denholm: Do.
Jen: The web. Using a mouse, mices, using mice. Clicking, double clicking. The computer (7) screen, of course. The keyboard. The... bit that goes on the floor down there.
Denholm: The hard drive.
Jen: Correct.
Denholm: Well, you certainly seem to know your stuff. That's settled. I've got a good feeling about you Jen and they need a new (8) manager.
Jen: Fantastic, so the people I'll be working with, what are they like?
Denholm: Standard (9) nerds!


Starting a new job can be (1) scary, but you (2) should not be (3) scared as long as you know your (4) stuff and you didn't lie on your (5) CV. On your first day, the (6) manager will probably show you around and lead you to your (7) desk. It shouldn't (8) embarass you if another (9) employee sizes you up with a long (10) stare. It is probably the office (11) nerd, someone who is quite obsessed with (12) computer. So, if you made up your (13) mind and you are willing to getting to (14) grips with this new challenge, welcome aboard!

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Relative Clauses

The men who developed the first mac
The organization which fostered the internet
The year when Steve jobs died
The state where most High-Tec companies are based
The device that enables you to access the internet
The man whose company sells the highest number of os
The part of a pc * you need to enter input
The guy who was wrong is paco
The guy that was wrong is paco
Who = Subject
The guy who I talked to is pako

Who = Object

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Basic vocabulary

Basic vocabulary. Complete the sentences with the words from the poster:

Facebook is the most popular website on the internet.
Google is a browser
You can download files from the internet
Copy the link and paste it in the box in the navigation bar.
A favourite bar is the fastest way to go to your favourite webs.
Press Esc to exit the full screen mode
The homepage is the first page that you see when you open a browser.
To open the previous page, use the back page arrow
I need to refresh the web because it doesn’t work.
You can add webpages to your favourites
You can copy and paste a link to access a webpage faster.
The website of IES Sabadell has got many issues.
You need this program to surf the internet: browser
-Write the missing word:
1-Google is the most popular search engine, many people have it as homepage.
2-Use the back button to return to the previous page.
3-You should refresh a webpage if it is slow.
4-Click on ‘favourites’ to open a list of your favourite websites.
5-It is better to see the videos in full screen.
6-I often download files from the internet.
7-The ‘favourites’ menu is in the menu bar.
8-When you open the browser, you can see the homepage.