jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My Workstation

I have got my workstation in my room, in front of the window. I have got a tower next to the wall, on the left of the room. I have got a router next to tower, on the right. I have got two monitors, the first one between a pair of speakers and the second one next to the first one, on the right. I have got the keyboard in front of the first one monitor and the mouse in front of the second one. I have got a pair of headset next to second one monitor, on the right, and a printer next to headset, on the right too.

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Computer parts

         a DVD - un DVD
          Computer vocabulary - picture of a DVD
          a tower PC - Torre d'ordinador
          Simple computer words - a tower PC
          a pair of speakers - un parell d'altaveus
          Basic computer vocabulary - a pair of speakers
          a screen - una pantalla
          English Vocabulary for beginners - a computer screen
         a monitor - un monitor
          Simple words for ICT - a monitor
         a desktop PC - un ordinador de sobretaula
          English words for ICT - a desktop PC
          a printer - una impresora
          Computing Vocabulary - a printer
         a CD - un disc compacte
          Easy words for computing - a CD
         a workstation - una zona de treball
          Learn English for ICT - a computer workstation
        a keyboard - un teclat
          English Vocabulary - a computer keyboard
         a pair of headphones - uns cascos
          ICT words - a pair of headphones
          a laptop - un portàtil
          Computer words - a laptop
         a mobile phone - un mòbil
         ICT words - a mobile phone
         mobile devices - dispositius mòbils
         Computer words - mobile devices
        a mouse - un ratolí
         Computer words for beginners - a mouse
        a CD drive - una unitat de CD
         ICT vocabulary for young learners - a CD drive
         a scanner - un escàner
         Basic vocabulary for ICT - a scanner
          tablet PC - tableta electrónica
         English Computer Vocabulary - an ipad

an MP3 player - reproductor MP3
English computer words - an MP3 player
a webcam - càmera
Words for computer peripherals - a webcam
a camcorder - videocàmera
Multi-media vocabulary - a camcorder
a digital camera - càmera digital
Computer Vocabulary - a digital camera
a headset - cascos amd micròfon
Beginner's ICT vocabulary - for a headset
a microphone - micròfon
ICT vocabulary - a microphone
a PDA - agenda electrònica
Picture vocabulary - a PDA
a memory stick - memòria usb
A memory stick, also known as a pen drive or thumb drive
a joystick - palanca de mando
Picture of a joystick
a USB hub - ports usb
Computer words for beginners - a USB hub
a portable drive - 
ICT picture vocabulary - a portable drive
a graphics tablet - tableta gràfica
Words for ICT - a graphics tablet
a flip cam -camera girada
Words for computer toys - a pocket camcorder
a CD writer - escritor de CD
Vocabulary for computer accessories - a CD writer
a mouse mat - alfombrilla de ratolí
English words for computer parts - a mouse mat
a USB cable - cable USB
Essential computer vocabulary - a usb cable
          a wireless hub - router inalàmbric
         Basic words for ICT - a wireless hub
         a printer cable - cable d'impresora
         English Vocabulary - a printer cable

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

English Work

Hi, I'm Javi Bravo and I'm 21 years old.

I was born in Sabadell but now I've been living in Polinyà since I was two. I can say of myself that I love videogames, basketball and football, like a lot of boys my age, I don't have any favourite food but if I need to choose one I can tell you potatos maybe.

I think that blog is a good tool to learn, because people are constantly publishing inside their walls and you can read what they want to show, in my opinion reading in another language is useful to learn because when you're reading a new word, that you have never heard before, you're going to search what that word means and get that word in your personal dictionary, and that's why i think a blog is an amazing tool to learn.