martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

English Work

Hi, I'm Javi Bravo and I'm 21 years old.

I was born in Sabadell but now I've been living in Polinyà since I was two. I can say of myself that I love videogames, basketball and football, like a lot of boys my age, I don't have any favourite food but if I need to choose one I can tell you potatos maybe.

I think that blog is a good tool to learn, because people are constantly publishing inside their walls and you can read what they want to show, in my opinion reading in another language is useful to learn because when you're reading a new word, that you have never heard before, you're going to search what that word means and get that word in your personal dictionary, and that's why i think a blog is an amazing tool to learn.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Javi. Jose here. Great post. However, I'd like to make some comments on it.

    1st You still live in Polinyà, right? So you'd better use Present Perfect Continuous to express the idea that it is so: now I live in Polinyà since I was two > I've been living in Polinyà since I was two. You might have also stated when that began : ...but I moved to Polinyà when I was two.

    2nd "boys of my age" > boys my age

    3rd "I can say you THE potatos maybe" > Attention to the differences between say and tell: you tell someone but you say something TO someone. Be careful with articles too. If you are talking in general, don't use it and use the noun in the plural.

    4th "IN their walls" > inside the walls???

    5th "usefull" > Check your spelling.

    6th "you have never listened before" Check LISTEN vs HEAR.

    7th You ALWAYS need a subject > what --- means

    8th Check your punctuation. Use stops.
